1 in 5 acquisitions achieves success.

Let Star Business Alliance LLC help you be the exception.


Before STAR Business Alliance “does” anything, we speak with the company’s leadership.  We explain why STAR Business Alliance has been engaged to work WITH them, not replace them. We assure the team that our purpose is to bring them to a new, stronger performance model.  The work we’ll do together will be to move them forward.



STAR Business Alliance analyzes all aspects of your company – operations, IT, finance, sales, customer service, human resources – everything.  We ask the right questions, review your current operations and processes, and determine the roles being played well and any new ones that need to be filled.  STAR is well-equipped to fully comprehend your work flow, procedural requirements, legacy issues, and talent use. Equally important, at this stage we review the goals and strategic plans the investing company has.  It’s critical for us to understand how they arrived at their financial expectations.  It allows us to support you in meeting expectations. By understanding where the acquired company is at operationally, and knowing everyone’s financial expectations, we can reconcile vision with reality.



To ensure that organizations adopt a culture, STAR Business Alliance works with your team to define and mold your new corporate culture.  We define the new entity’s corporate vision, mission, and values.  And we develop a plan to share it with your employees and other stakeholders as well as establish the cultural landscape they’ll be working in going forward.  It’s critical to your success that everyone embraces your new corporate spirit and understands who you are and why you’re in business.  Once accepted, your team is ready to deliver the high performance and streamlined operations you expect. This powerful combination of culture, operations and talent strategies becomes the recommendations we deliver to you.

We review legacy systems and long-standing methods.  Where needed, we work with your team to eliminate redundancies and outdated processes.  Collaboratively, we work to introduce new work methodologies, suggest new training, and set up more efficient work flows.  When done, we have a working plan that delivers operational, financial, and service success.

STAR Business Alliance defines the leadership roles you need to succeed and compares them with the talents of the people currently on the team.  We strive to keep everyone onboard, whether it is in their current role or in a role more suited to their skill set.  By doing so – we retain critical “institutional knowledge” and sustain employee engagement.



Working in concert with your management team, collectively we implement your strategies and transform your company. As we put in place the various operations, process, systems, and people changes, we continually gauge success. Throughout your transition, we celebrate milestones and make adjustments as appropriate. Our work is done when your results meet your expectations.

STAR with the end in mind.

To learn more about how to achieve results, email gmw@starbusinessalliance.com.
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